Calendar of Henri Poincaré's correspondence and varia
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5 notice(s) out of 2303 | |<<<Page 1>>>| |
Sender: Painlevé, Paul Date: 1904-00-00
Recipient/Object: Poincaré, Henri Site: Paris
Source: Private collection 75017 Incipit: J'ai remis, il y a trois semaines, au général Piquarts un projet
Recipient/Object: Poincaré, Henri Site: Paris
Source: Private collection 75017 Incipit: J'ai remis, il y a trois semaines, au général Piquarts un projet
Sender: Poincaré, Henri Site: Paris Date: 1904-00-00
Recipient/Object: Flammarion, Camille
Source: Published source Incipit: Je commence à être un peu agacé
Recipient/Object: Flammarion, Camille
Source: Published source Incipit: Je commence à être un peu agacé
Sender: Poincaré, Henri Site: Paris Date: 1904-00-00
Recipient/Object: Inconnu
Source: Dibner Library of the History of Science and Technology Incipit: Le remède ? Hélas, si je le possédais
Recipient/Object: Inconnu
Source: Dibner Library of the History of Science and Technology Incipit: Le remède ? Hélas, si je le possédais
Sender: Poincaré, Henri Site: Paris Date: 1904-00-00
Recipient/Object: Inconnu
Source: Dibner Library of the History of Science and Technology Incipit: Je vous aurais très volontiers accordé l'autorisation
Recipient/Object: Inconnu
Source: Dibner Library of the History of Science and Technology Incipit: Je vous aurais très volontiers accordé l'autorisation
Sender: Bôcher, Maxime Date: 1904-00-00
Recipient/Object: Notebook with list of offprints sent to H. Poincaré Site: Paris
Source: Pusey Library Incipit: [Record of 13 offprints mailed to Poincaré from 1891 to 1904]
Recipient/Object: Notebook with list of offprints sent to H. Poincaré Site: Paris
Source: Pusey Library Incipit: [Record of 13 offprints mailed to Poincaré from 1891 to 1904]
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Poincaré's correspondence and varia :
2303 documents