Book title : Oeuvres de Georges-Henri Halphen, Volume 1
Article title : Notice sur Halphen
Author: Poincaré, Henri
Publisher: Gauthier-Villars, Paris
Year : 1916
Editor Jordan, Camille
Other editors : Poincaré, Henri and Picard, Émile and Vessiot, Ernest
BibTeX : @incollection{hp1916gh, author={Poincar\'e, Henri}, title={{Notice sur Halphen}}, booktitle={{Oeuvres de Georges-Henri Halphen, Volume 1}}, editor={Jordan, Camille and Poincar\'e, Henri and Picard, \'Emile and Vessiot, Ernest}, publisher={Gauthier-Villars}, address={Paris}, pages={XVII--XLIII}, year={1916} }
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