Article title : Zum Jubiläum der Universität Berlin
Author: Poincaré, Henri
Publisher: Teubner, Berlin
Journal : Mathematisch-naturwissenschaftliche Blätter
Volume : 7
Number : 12
Year : 1910
Notes : German translation of an unedited letter in French to the Tägliche Rundschau, 1910-09-30, shortly before the centennial commemoration of the founding of the University of Berlin, from 10 to 13 October, 1910. Extracted from Tägliche Rundschau in December, 1910, along with remarks by Pietro Blaserna and William Ramsay.
BibTeX : @article{hp1910mn, author={Poincar\'e, Henri}, title={{Zum Jubil\"aum der Universit\"at Berlin}}, journal={Mathematisch-naturwissenschaftliche Bl\"atter}, volume={7}, number={12}, pages={195--196}, year={1910} }
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