4-21-7. Thomas Craig to H. Poincaré
Nov. 3 1884
American Journal of Mathematics
Johns Hopkins University
Dear M. Poincaré,
Permit me the pleasure of introducing to you Prof Kikuchi of the University of Tokio, Japan. Prof Kikuchi is in Paris for the purpose of getting some ideas in the methods of working and teaching (in France) in Mathematics and Physics. Any assistance that you can give will be highly appreciated by him. If he could get to know M. Monod it would, I think be a great help to him.
Yours very sincerely,
Thomas Craig
P.S. I hope you will not forget the article you promised me for the Mathematical Journal. You said that you would write one and that you also had a short one ready. I shall be delighted to receive them when you can make it convenient to send them. I regretted much not to have seen you before leaving Paris to thank you for your kindness to me during the summer. I shall never forget it, and will hope that I may soon have some opportunity of returning it. Please give my respects to Mme Poincaré, and believe me my dear M. Poincaré,
Yours faithfully,
Thomas Craig
ALS 2p. Collection particulière, Paris 75017.
Time-stamp: " 9.06.2022 21:27"