4-21-20. Thomas Craig to H. Poincaré
May 5 1887
American Journal of Mathematics
Johns Hopkins University
My dear Monsieur Poincaré,
A few days ago the mathematical and physical department of the University moved from the rooms occupied by them for the last eleven years into the new Physical Laboratory. In moving the contents of my office I discovered a letter sealed stamped and directed to you some months ago. I wrote it on learning of your election to the Institute but some how it was not mailed. I hasten now however if it is not too late to say what I said at that time – viz. that I most heartily congratulate you, I was as pleased to see the announcement in the Comptes Rendus as if some good thing had happened to me. I wish I could see you in your place at the green table! Where is your place? Near M. Hermite? Or down with Darboux at the lower end of the room?
I wish I could look to you for a memoir for Vol. X No. 1 of the Mathematical Journal. I want that to be a particularly fine number, as I am going to publish a portrait of Professor Sylvester in it. Remember me sometime when you have a memoir to spare. You know everything that you can send me is most cordially welcomed, and will always take precedence and be printed immediately.
Hoping to hear from you soon I remain my dear Poincaré as ever,
Yours sincerely,
Thomas Craig
ALS 3p. Collection particulière, Paris 75017.
Time-stamp: "28.01.2021 13:47"