4-21-22. Thomas Craig to H. Poincaré

Aug. 27 1887

American Journal of Mathematics

Johns Hopkins University


Dear M. Poincaré,

Not having heard from you I fear that a letter and little package I sent you some two months ago have miscarried. I sent in the name of my little girl, Ailsa, a small present for Jeanne and enclosed my letter in the box which was directed to you. The letter purported to be sent by Ailsa to Jeanne.11endnote: 1 Ailsa was born to Emily and Thomas Craig on 28 August 1883. Henri and Louise Poincaré’s first child Jeanne was born on 3 June 1887, and they sent out birth announcements a few weeks later; one of the latter is preserved at the library of the Mittag-Leffler Institute (Poincaré 34). I hope it arrived all right. When am I going to have the pleasure of hearing from you again in the form of another memoir for the Journal?

I hope very much that you can give me something soon. President Gilman and Professor Newcomb have both been asking me to try and get something from you. I hate to bother you when you have already been so kind, but I wish very much you could send me another memoir soon. Please do. As ever,

Yours faithfully,

T. Craig

ALS 2p. Collection particulière, Paris 75017.

Time-stamp: "28.01.2021 13:47"


  • 1 Ailsa was born to Emily and Thomas Craig on 28 August 1883. Henri and Louise Poincaré’s first child Jeanne was born on 3 June 1887, and they sent out birth announcements a few weeks later; one of the latter is preserved at the library of the Mittag-Leffler Institute (Poincaré 34).