4-21-27. Thomas Craig to H. Poincaré

Nov. 2/88

American Journal of Mathematics

Johns Hopkins University

Baltimore, Md.

Dear Monsieur Poincaré,

I am delighted that you are going to send me a memoir and also allow me to publish your portrait in the Journal.11endnote: 1 While Poincaré’s reply has not been located, he must have responded positively to Craig’s request for a photo in his letter of 13 July 1888 (§ 4-22-26). By the same letter, Craig inquired about the status of the paper Poincaré had promised him in his letter of 21 September 1887 (§ 4-22-23). I wish you would send me the two photographs you promise as soon as possible as I want to have the portrait made at an early date and send you a proof of it. I want your signature at the bottom of the portrait (see the portraits of Hermite and Sylvester in the Journal) so please send me at the same time as the photographs your signature in the way you want it (“Henri Poincaré”, “H. Poincaré” or “Poincaré”) on a separate sheet of paper which I can send to the artists in Boston. Hoping soon to receive the photographs and signature I am as ever my dear M. Poincaré,

Sincerely yours,

Thomas Craig

ALS 2p. Collection particulière, Paris 75017.

Time-stamp: "28.01.2021 13:47"


  • 1 While Poincaré’s reply has not been located, he must have responded positively to Craig’s request for a photo in his letter of 13 July 1888 (§ 4-22-26). By the same letter, Craig inquired about the status of the paper Poincaré had promised him in his letter of 21 September 1887 (§ 4-22-23).