4-44-38. H. Poincaré à Felix Klein

[Après le 13 octobre 1901]

Mon cher Collègue,

J’apprends par Darboux que le prix Bolyai vient de m’être décerné; je tiens à vous remercier de la part que vous avez prise personnellement à cette décision.11endnote: 1 The Bolyai Prize of the Hungarian Academy of Science was officially awarded to Poincaré on 18 April 1905 (Lebon, 1912, 19). The jury was composed of Jules König, Gustave Rados, Felix Klein, and Gaston Darboux, who presided. It decided in favor of Poincaré on 13 October 1901. Klein was selected to write the report on the two candidates, David Hilbert and Poincaré, but he renounced his duties, citing poor health, and was replaced by Rados (1906). Klein wrote to Poincaré to explain the situation in June, 1906 (§ 4-44-40); see also Poincaré’s reply (§ 4-44-41).

Veuillez, je vous prie, présenter à Madame Klein mes respectueux hommages et croire à mes sentiments dévoués,


ALS 1p. Nachlass Klein, Handscriftenabteilung, Niedersächsische Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek, Göttingen. Edited by Dugac (1989, 124).

Time-stamp: " 8.08.2022 17:49"


  • 1 The Bolyai Prize of the Hungarian Academy of Science was officially awarded to Poincaré on 18 April 1905 (Lebon, 1912, 19). The jury was composed of Jules König, Gustave Rados, Felix Klein, and Gaston Darboux, who presided. It decided in favor of Poincaré on 13 October 1901. Klein was selected to write the report on the two candidates, David Hilbert and Poincaré, but he renounced his duties, citing poor health, and was replaced by Rados (1906). Klein wrote to Poincaré to explain the situation in June, 1906 (§ 4-44-40); see also Poincaré’s reply (§ 4-44-41).


  • P. Dugac (1989) Henri Poincaré, la correspondance avec des mathématiciens (de J à Z). Cahiers du séminaire d’histoire des mathématiques 10, pp. 83–229. link1 Cited by: 4-44-38. H. Poincaré à Felix Klein.
  • E. Lebon (1912) Henri Poincaré : Biographie, bibliographie analytique des écrits. Gauthier-Villars, Paris. link1 Cited by: endnote 1.
  • G. Rados (1906) Rapport sur le Prix Bolyai. Bulletin des sciences mathématiques 11, pp. 103–128. link1 Cited by: endnote 1.