7-2-58. Felix Klein to H. Poincaré, English translation

Leipzig, 10 Dec. 1881

Dear Sir!

I am glad that my offer agrees with you: voilà une loi de réciprocité.11endnote: 1 “Here is a reciprocity law.” Regarding your query, I wish above all to reply that your article will be all the more opportune the earlier it arrives. If I receive it by the 20th of this month, I will include it in the 4th number of Volume 19 of the Annalen; it will then appear at the beginning of March at the latest. As to the length, I would say, if you like, about one printed sheet (16 pages). This is enough space to express clearly the essentials, and still not too much for the casual reader. I would then like to ask you to provide the necessary indications about the methods of your proofs, i.e., how you actually construct the functions in question, etc. Of course, you can better assess all such matters than I can specify them here.

One more thing! Is your address now permanently in Paris? And what is Picard’s present address? It would make me happy if I were able to obtain an article for the Annalen from him as well.22endnote: 2 Articles by Poincaré, Klein, and Picard were published back to back in Volume 19 of the Annalen; see Poincaré (1882); Klein (1882); Picard (1882).

With the greatest respect, your devoted,

F. Klein

PTrL. Translated by S.A. Walter from the original German (§ 4-47-12). Previously translated by R. Burns in Saint-Gervais (2016). See also the French translation (§ 7-2-37).

Time-stamp: "30.04.2021 13:46"


  • 1 “Here is a reciprocity law.”
  • 2 Articles by Poincaré, Klein, and Picard were published back to back in Volume 19 of the Annalen; see Poincaré (1882); Klein (1882); Picard (1882).


  • F. Klein (1882) Ueber eindeutige Functionen mit linearen Transformationen in sich. Mathematische Annalen 19, pp. 565–568. link1 Cited by: endnote 2.
  • É. Picard (1882) Sur un théorème relatif aux surfaces pour lesquelles coordonnées d’un point quelconque s’expriment par des fonctions abéliennes de deux paramètres. Mathematische Annalen 19, pp. 569–578. Cited by: endnote 2.
  • H. Poincaré (1882) Sur les fonctions uniformes qui se reproduisent par des substitutions linéaires. Mathematische Annalen 19, pp. 553–564. link1 Cited by: endnote 2.
  • H. P. d. Saint-Gervais (2016) Uniformization of Riemann Surfaces: Revisiting a Hundred-Year-Old Theorem. European Mathematical Society, Zurich. link1, link2 Cited by: 7-2-58. Felix Klein to H. Poincaré, English translation.