2-65-1. Paul Vieille to H. Poincaré

Paris, le 7 Janvier 190711endnote: 1 The year is incorrect, and should be 1908, as shown by the date of the test in December 1907 mentioned by Vieille in the body of his letter. It is possible that the letter was addressed to Henry Le Chatelier, who presided the scientific sub-commission of the Commission des poudres. We follow the dating and tentative attribution of Patrice Bret, who discovered this correspondence in the archives of the Paris Academy of Science.

Ministère de la Guerre — 6e Direction

Laboratoire Central des poudres et salpêtres

12, Quai Henri IV

Monsieur le Président,

J’ai l’honneur de vous adresser les relevés des épreuves effectuées au Laboratoire Central des Poudres sur son essai des 72 tubes (dont 1 vide portant le numéro 69) et renfermant des poudres B non désamorcées. Essai du 9 Xbre 1907.

Recevez, Monsieur le président, l’expression de mes sentiments d’entier dévouement,

P. Vieille

ALS 1p. 14 J, Archives of the Paris Academy of Science.

Time-stamp: "23.06.2023 14:10"


  • 1 The year is incorrect, and should be 1908, as shown by the date of the test in December 1907 mentioned by Vieille in the body of his letter. It is possible that the letter was addressed to Henry Le Chatelier, who presided the scientific sub-commission of the Commission des poudres. We follow the dating and tentative attribution of Patrice Bret, who discovered this correspondence in the archives of the Paris Academy of Science.