1. Bibliography
The bibliography contains over 730 titles, including articles, books, book chapters, and published reports, for which Poincaré is either the sole author, or a co-author. Over 650 titles may be downloaded and/or consulted, in PDF or HTML format. A dedicated search engine allows for the selection of titles via multiple search criteria. The global search engine (top-right box) provides an alternative means of access; in addition to metadata search, it features full-text search for a subset of titles transcribed in XHTML.
2. Correspondence
Henri Poincaré's correspondence includes over 2000 letters, concerning private, administrative, and scientific matters. The calendar of correspondence and varia allows for a selection via several search criteria. Alternatively, the global search engine (top-right box) features full-text search for all transcribed letters. More than a few letters have been translated to French or English; these are found in the Varia section (see below). Letters may also be accessed by volume number, for the five volumes published between 1999 and 2024 in the series "Publications of the Henri Poincaré Archives".
3. Manuscripts and electronic editions
Poincaré's autograph manuscripts are featured in this section, a selection of which are edited here for the first time. You will find drafts of articles and books, course notes, and pages upon pages of calculations. Electronic editions of a selection of titles from Poincaré's bibliography (§ 1) are also found in this section.
4. Thesis reports
Poincaré participated in dozens of thesis defenses at the Paris Faculty of Sciences, and occasionally, he wrote the official report on the thesis, its defense, or both. These reports may be selected via multiple search criteria. Alternatively, the reports may be selected using the global search engine (top-right box), which features, in addition, full-text search for the subset of transcribed reports.
5. Varia
Poincaré's varia include reports on Poincaré's work, correspondence that concerns him, publication contracts, student notes of his lectures, and translations of his correspondence in English and French.
6. Archives
Poincaré's papers are widely dispersed. To learn where in the world the original manuscripts are preserved, and which documents are found there, consult the table of archives.
7. Further resources
Consult a list of milestones in Poincaré's life, as well as photos and videos. For adepts of algebraic topology, see the site produced by the group Henri Paul de Saint Gervais, Analysis Situs. As a member of the Bureau of Longitudes, Poincaré dealt with questions of geodesy and astronomy; his notes on these topics and others may be consulted on the site dedicated to the procès-verbaux du Bureau des longitudes.
8. Global search engine
The Sphinx search engine (see the top-right text box) allows for selection of documents on Henri Poincaré Papers that correspond to the search string, whenever the string appears in the document itself or matches its associated keywords and metadata. Depending on the string, documents in up to seven classes may be returned: (1) Poincaré's publications; (2) his correspondence (active and passive), transcribed or not; (3) manuscripts; (4) thesis reports written by Poincaré; (5) varia; (6) biographical sketches of a selection of Poincaré's correspondents; (7) commentaries on the life and work of Poincaré by the editors of his correspondence. The search engine employs French morphology and Boolean operators : | - ! ( ); an extended syntax is available for power users. Please note that the search engine returns up to one hundred documents in all classes. When this limit is attained, documents of interest may be neglected. Consequently, it is wise to refine the search string or restrict the domain when this maximum is reached. To restrict the domain to document titles, for example, type "@title keyword". For tips on query formulation, see the FAQ.