4-21-16. Thomas Craig to H. Poincaré

July 3/ 1886

American Journal of Mathematics

Johns Hopkins University


Dear Sir:

The MS. of your paper entitled

Sur les Fonctions Abéliennes

has been duly received, and has been filed with a view to insertion in the Journal.11endnote: 1 In addition to this formal receipt, Craig sent a short, handwritten letter to Poincaré, likewise dated 3 July 1886 (§ 4-22-15). Thanking you for this favor, and hoping to hear from you again,

I remain,

Yours very truly,

Thomas Craig

Associate Editor

PLS 1p. Collection particulière, Paris 75017.

Time-stamp: "28.01.2021 13:47"


  • 1 In addition to this formal receipt, Craig sent a short, handwritten letter to Poincaré, likewise dated 3 July 1886 (§ 4-22-15).