3-47-54. Henry Hugh Peter Deasy à H. Poincaré

Jan 5th/96

Poste Restante – Karlsbad – Bohemia

To the Secretary Bureau des Longitudes Paris

Dear Sir,

I am informed that the Bureau des Longitudes is preparing magnetic charts of the World and in order to do so accurately intends to dispatch one or two vessels to take a series of magnetic observations. As far as I can ascertain there is not a single published account of magnetic observatories being taken in Tibet and other equally unknown and seldom visited parts of Central Asia. I am anxious to know if the results of a long series of magnetic observations, taken with a six inch transit astronomical theodolite in Central Asia & Tibet will be of use to the Bureau des Longitudes and on what terms they will be accepted.

I beg to inform you that I have studied practical astronomy for some years and taken many magnetic observations with the instrument I have mentioned, with a view of obtaining as accurate as possible scientific results when travelling in places where no reliable scientific observations have been carried out. I do not ask for money in advance to enable me to spend my leave travelling and observing in the places I have mentioned, but only wish to know if the Bureau will accept the results of my observations and on what terms.11endnote: 1 Captain Deasy (1866–1947) proposed his services to the Bureau des Longitudes, but the Bureau misunderstood his offer, which concerned measurements to be performed during his period of leave, and not measurements already realized. The Bureau decided to decline Captain Deasy’s offer: “M. le Capitaine Deasy du 16 lanciers anglais, demande si le Bureau pourrait utiliser des observations magnétiques qu’il a faites dans le Thibet. M. Janssen ne croit pas qu’on puisse se servir d’observations dont on ignore la valeur; il faut d’ailleurs que l’œuvre reste exclusivement française; le Bureau décide qu’on remerciera le Capitaine Deasy de son offre, mais qu’il n’y a pas lieu de l’accepter” (Procès-verbal du Bureau des longitudes, séance du 08.01.1896)

I can if necessary stop in Paris on my way to London if you should wish to see me. You are at liberty to communicate with Mr Clements Markham CB President of the Royal Geographical Society London or with Mr J. Coles Instructor in surveying & practical astronomy to the Royal Geographical Society with reference to me, should you desire to do so. I beg to enclose my card & to remain

Yours faithfully

H. H. P. Deasy

ALS 4p. Bureau des longitudes, Paris.

Time-stamp: " 4.05.2019 00:12"


  • 1 Captain Deasy (1866–1947) proposed his services to the Bureau des Longitudes, but the Bureau misunderstood his offer, which concerned measurements to be performed during his period of leave, and not measurements already realized. The Bureau decided to decline Captain Deasy’s offer: “M. le Capitaine Deasy du 16 lanciers anglais, demande si le Bureau pourrait utiliser des observations magnétiques qu’il a faites dans le Thibet. M. Janssen ne croit pas qu’on puisse se servir d’observations dont on ignore la valeur; il faut d’ailleurs que l’œuvre reste exclusivement française; le Bureau décide qu’on remerciera le Capitaine Deasy de son offre, mais qu’il n’y a pas lieu de l’accepter” (Procès-verbal du Bureau des longitudes, séance du 08.01.1896)