4-36-34. H. Poincaré à Giovanni Battista Guccia

[Ca. 25.01.1907]11endnote: 1 The manuscript is annotated in Guccia’s hand: “Risp. 27/1/07 – cartolina – G.”

Mon cher ami,

Je vous envoie sous pli recommandé le manuscrit en question.22endnote: 2 When Poincaré offered his article on conformal representation to Guccia for publication in the Rendiconti, Guccia responded immediately by telegram; see Poincaré to Guccia, ca. 19 January, 1907 (§ 4-36-33). The present letter accompanied the manuscript, which arrived at the editorial office of the Rendiconti di Palermo on 27 January, 1907 (Poincaré, 1907).

Votre ami dévoué,


ALS 1p. Archives, Circolo Matematico di Palermo.

Time-stamp: "22.08.2023 17:24"


  • 1 The manuscript is annotated in Guccia’s hand: “Risp. 27/1/07 – cartolina – G.”
  • 2 When Poincaré offered his article on conformal representation to Guccia for publication in the Rendiconti, Guccia responded immediately by telegram; see Poincaré to Guccia, ca. 19 January, 1907 (§ 4-36-33). The present letter accompanied the manuscript, which arrived at the editorial office of the Rendiconti di Palermo on 27 January, 1907 (Poincaré, 1907).


  • H. Poincaré (1907) Les fonctions analytiques de deux variables et la représentation conforme. Rendiconti del Circolo matematico di Palermo 23, pp. 185–220. link1 Cited by: endnote 2.