4-36-56. H. Poincaré à Giovanni Battista Guccia

[12.01.1909]11endnote: 1 The manuscript bears an annotation in an unknown hand: “Paris, 12/1/09.”

Mon cher ami,

Combien intéressants et émouvants sont les détails que vous me donnez. Je vois que nos collègues ont été relativement favorisés puisqu’ils ont tous échappé à la mort.22endnote: 2 Poincaré, in a previous letter to Guccia, expressed concern for Guccia’s well-being after the powerful earthquake that shook southern Italy and Sicily on 28 December, 1908; see Poincaré to Guccia, 31 December, 1908 (§ 4-36-55).

Malheureusement je crains que le manuscrit de M. Bagnera ne soit perdu, il n’est pas arrivé au secrétariat.

J’espère que dans des circonstances aussi exceptionnelles, l’Académie pourra accepter un dépôt tardif, si M. Bagnera a conservé une copie. Il pourrait même peut-être envoyer le texte italien; je parlerai de tout cela à M. Darboux.33endnote: 3 Guiseppe Bagnera was professor of geometry and algebra at the University of Messina in 1908, and was named professor of analysis in Palermo in 1909. His manuscript, co-signed with Michele de Franchis, was awarded the 1909 Bordin Prize of the Paris Academy of Sciences (Bagnera and Franchis, 1910). For details and additional references, see Bongiorno and Curbera (2018, 223).

Votre ami dévoué,


ALS 1p. Archives, Circolo Matematico di Palermo.

Time-stamp: "22.08.2023 21:11"


  • 1 The manuscript bears an annotation in an unknown hand: “Paris, 12/1/09.”
  • 2 Poincaré, in a previous letter to Guccia, expressed concern for Guccia’s well-being after the powerful earthquake that shook southern Italy and Sicily on 28 December, 1908; see Poincaré to Guccia, 31 December, 1908 (§ 4-36-55).
  • 3 Guiseppe Bagnera was professor of geometry and algebra at the University of Messina in 1908, and was named professor of analysis in Palermo in 1909. His manuscript, co-signed with Michele de Franchis, was awarded the 1909 Bordin Prize of the Paris Academy of Sciences (Bagnera and Franchis, 1910). For details and additional references, see Bongiorno and Curbera (2018, 223).


  • G. Bagnera and M. d. Franchis (1910) Sur le nombre ρ\rho de M. Picard pour les surfaces hyperelliptiques et pour les surfaces irrégulières de genre zéro. Rendiconti del Circolo Matematico di Palermo 30, pp. 185–238. link1 Cited by: endnote 3.
  • B. Bongiorno and G. P. Curbera (2018) Giovanni Battista Guccia. Springer, Cham. Cited by: endnote 3.