4-36-64. Giovanni Battista Guccia à H. Poincaré

Palerme, Samedi 6 avril 191211endnote: 1 The postcard, bearing the seal of the Circolo matematico di Palermo, is addressed to Poincaré at his residence in Palaiseau.

circolo mathematico di palermo – 1884

Mon cher ami,

Seulement hier sont arrivés les clichés de Hermann.22endnote: 2 The Parisian publishing house of Hermann regularly provided assistance with producing illustrations for papers Poincaré published in the Rendiconti di Palermo, at Guccia’s behest. Hermann’s illustrator produced the drawings based on Poincaré’s own hand-drawn figures, and the drawings were then photographed for further reproduction in lithographs; see Guccia to Poincaré, 12 December, 1911 (§ 4-36-63). À cause des fêtes de Pâques, ce n’est que mardi prochain que je pourrai passer votre manuscrit à l’imprimerie.33endnote: 3 The manuscript in question is undoubtedly the last one that Poincaré would publish in the Rendiconti: “Sur un théorème de géométrie” (Poincaré, 1912). This paper features twenty-four figures, and was printed in three parts, on the seventh and eighth of May, and the third of June, 1912. Poincaré offered the paper to Guccia in a letter of 12 December, 1911 (§ 4-36-62).

En attendant, je vous prie de vous adresser à quelqu’un pour la révision des épreuves, car le manuscrit, au point de vue matériel, laisse un tout petit peu à désirer.44endnote: 4 Poincaré introduces this paper with an apology for its unfinished state, acknowledging that his theorem was not proven to his satisfaction. A full proof of the Poincaré-Birkhoff fixed point theorem was soon found by George D. Birkhoff (1913). D’autre part, ayant été un peu souffrant tous ces temps-ci, je crains de ne pas réussir à corriger les premières épreuves ainsi qu’il le faudrait. Veuillez donc vous faire aider.

Bonne Pâques. Amitiés de votre tout dévoué

G. B. Guccia

ACS. Collection particulière, Paris 75017.

Time-stamp: "22.08.2023 17:32"


  • 1 The postcard, bearing the seal of the Circolo matematico di Palermo, is addressed to Poincaré at his residence in Palaiseau.
  • 2 The Parisian publishing house of Hermann regularly provided assistance with producing illustrations for papers Poincaré published in the Rendiconti di Palermo, at Guccia’s behest. Hermann’s illustrator produced the drawings based on Poincaré’s own hand-drawn figures, and the drawings were then photographed for further reproduction in lithographs; see Guccia to Poincaré, 12 December, 1911 (§ 4-36-63).
  • 3 The manuscript in question is undoubtedly the last one that Poincaré would publish in the Rendiconti: “Sur un théorème de géométrie” (Poincaré, 1912). This paper features twenty-four figures, and was printed in three parts, on the seventh and eighth of May, and the third of June, 1912. Poincaré offered the paper to Guccia in a letter of 12 December, 1911 (§ 4-36-62).
  • 4 Poincaré introduces this paper with an apology for its unfinished state, acknowledging that his theorem was not proven to his satisfaction. A full proof of the Poincaré-Birkhoff fixed point theorem was soon found by George D. Birkhoff (1913).


  • G. D. Birkhoff (1913) Proof of Poincaré’s geometric theorem. Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 14 (1), pp. 14–22. link1 Cited by: endnote 4.
  • H. Poincaré (1912) Sur un théorème en géométrie. Rendiconti del Circolo matematico di Palermo 33, pp. 375–407. link1 Cited by: endnote 3.