4-36-57. H. Poincaré à Giovanni Battista Guccia

[Ca. 15.01.1909]

Mon cher ami,

J’ai reçu les tirages à part.11endnote: 1 Poincaré (1909), which was printed in Palermo from 7 to 9 January, 1909. Merci mille fois.

Le mémoire de Bagnera a fini par arriver.22endnote: 2 Guiseppe Bagnera and Michele de Franchis submitted a paper for the 1909 Bordin Prize of the Paris Academy of Sciences (Bagnera and Franchis, 1910). The paper’s delivery to Paris was delayed in the aftermath of the catastrophic earthquake of 28 December, 1908; see Poincaré to Guccia, 12 January, 1909 (§ 4-36-56). Picard’s report on the Bordin Prize, for which Bagnera and de Franchis were the only entrants, explained that their paper arrived on 15 January, thus after the deadline, but was accepted nonetheless, as it had been sent to Paris on 27 December, 1908 (Picard, 1909).

Tout à vous


ACS. Archives, Circolo Matematico di Palermo.

Time-stamp: "23.08.2023 15:24"


  • 1 Poincaré (1909), which was printed in Palermo from 7 to 9 January, 1909.
  • 2 Guiseppe Bagnera and Michele de Franchis submitted a paper for the 1909 Bordin Prize of the Paris Academy of Sciences (Bagnera and Franchis, 1910). The paper’s delivery to Paris was delayed in the aftermath of the catastrophic earthquake of 28 December, 1908; see Poincaré to Guccia, 12 January, 1909 (§ 4-36-56). Picard’s report on the Bordin Prize, for which Bagnera and de Franchis were the only entrants, explained that their paper arrived on 15 January, thus after the deadline, but was accepted nonetheless, as it had been sent to Paris on 27 December, 1908 (Picard, 1909).


  • G. Bagnera and M. d. Franchis (1910) Sur le nombre ρ\rho de M. Picard pour les surfaces hyperelliptiques et pour les surfaces irrégulières de genre zéro. Rendiconti del Circolo Matematico di Palermo 30, pp. 185–238. link1 Cited by: endnote 2.
  • É. Picard (1909) Rapport sur le prix Bordin. Comptes rendus hebdomadaires des séances de l’Académie des sciences de Paris 149 (25), pp. 1185–1188. link1 Cited by: endnote 2.
  • H. Poincaré (1909) Sur la réduction des intégrales abéliennes et des fonctions fuchsiennes. Rendiconti del Circolo matematico di Palermo 27, pp. 281–336. link1 Cited by: endnote 1.